Call for papers for a special edition of Advances with the theme: Critical Leadership and Innovation in Social work education
There are many challenges to the delivery of innovative programmes in the contemporary environment of social work education. Within the context of evidence-informed practices and a myriad of stakeholder expectations, the building of innovative and sustainable curricula is an issue of critical importance – and one that rests at the heart of the social work profession itself. There has never been a more pressing time for dialogue across national and international boundaries.
The Australian Council of Schools of Social Work is hosting a special edition of Advances, planned for the second half of 2017, with the theme of a critical inquiry into social work education. The scope of the special edition encompasses current issues, debates and future directions in national and international social work education. The special edition seeks articles that advance cutting-edge pedagogy, and innovative research and collaboration.
We invite people who are interested in writing about or researching current challenges, opportunities and future directions in social work education to submit papers for possible inclusion. Submissions will be reviewed by a group of guest editors from the Australian Council of Schools of Social Work and from the Editorial Board of Advances. Suggested topics include but are not limited to:
- Political leadership in social work education
- Leading curriculum and pedagogy
- New ideas in Field Education
- International perspectives, innovations and collaborations
- Cutting edge research for social work education
- Capacity building in the academic workforce
Submissions are due no later than Friday 16 October 2016 to:
Professor Wendy Bowles –