
Here is an excerpt from the constitution outlining the purpose of the Council. You can also click on the link below to read the full constitution of the Council.


The purpose of the Council is to promote the development of social work through study and research in relevant Faculties/Schools/Departments in universities throughout Australia by such means as
a. Representing Heads and Schools to external bodies
b. Providing a forum for exchange of information and ideas and promoting collaboration among Schools of Social Work
c. Taking action on behalf of all Schools of social work education
d. Liaising, cooperating and advocating with other bodies involved in regulating social work education and social workers including international organisations
e. Developing a national and international profile for Schools of social work
f. Promoting social work as a beneficial area of study
g. Addressing national and international issues in social policy and social work that impact upon social work education
h. Promoting positive public perceptions of social work and social work education
i. Gathering data on the state of social work education, generally monitoring the state of social work education in Australia and the delivery of social work programs
j. Promoting research on social work and social work education

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